Artist: Bank
Age: 17 Country: Lao PDR
In this project, we aim to make everyone happy by ensuring that we are in a place where we belong. Although we may encounter some challenges, we have everything we need to overcome them, and we will always find other things to fulfill us. This is the essence of the phrase "belongingness" for us.
Disclaimer: Entries to the Art for Well-Being Competition (“Artwork”) have been developed by members of the public. The named artist(s) alone are responsible for the views expressed in the Artwork. Presenting the Artwork by PMNCH/WHO does not imply that they or any content contained therein are endorsed or recommended by PMNCH/WHO or represent the decisions or the policies of PMNCH/WHO. Furthermore, the mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by PMNCH/WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.