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1 point 8 billion logo

Brand guidelines

Create visuals for 1.8 Billion Young People for Change


The 1.8 logo has two forms: one has the colours and the other is a simpler, single colour version, see below to know which one to use when.


Use the coloured logo ONLY on white backgrounds

Use the black or white logo in all other scenarios like coloured backgrounds, images and videos


The coloured logo is to be only used on a white background, without changing any of the colours

logo dos donts.png

Available in French and Spanish versions


The colour palette for 1.8 is youthful and vibrant. Use the colours in the combinations shown below

Colour palette

Color palet for 1.8 branding

Colour combinations

secondary color palet

Colours to be used on photographs

colours to be used on photographs


There are 3 levels to the typography to communicate information clearly and in the right hierarchy

Primary typeface

The Stroke 
To communicate the core message. This should never be more than a few words or 2-3 lines. It should always be large to draw attention

Secondary typeface

Noto Sans Condensed Italics
To communicate secondary text, provide information and context

Tertiary typeface

Noto Sans
To be used as body text

unnamed (2).png

Skip weights and play around with text sizes to communicate information effectively and establish clear type heirarchies


The 1.8 icon library is continuously expanding, use icons and stickers in your visuals and use 1point8 Giphy stickers on Instagram and TikTok


Create visuals for 1.8 Billion Young People for Change

Step by step guide to create a composition

picture of a protest

Here we have used an image here. You can use a background colour or hatched texture as well.

darken version of picture of a protest to make branding easy

Adjust the brightness of the image to ensure there is sufficient conrast and legibility of text.

Social Media Sample for clime crisis

Add the call to action or key message in large letters in the 1.8 font.

Social Media Sample

Use Noto Condensed Italics for supporting information. Play with colours to create visual interest.


Lastly add the logo. Use the black or white logos on images according to the contrast.

Content guidelines

Our brand persona is


Responsible, active and speaking up


Open, vibrant, energetic and without airs


Quick-witted, on-the-go and adaptable


Keep at it till we get to our goal

Our tone of voice is


We do not beat around the bush. We get to the point without a fuss


We charm and cajole our audience in a friendly and positive way


We are quick and ready, jump-starting communications without delay


We are open and equitable, speaking and acting without discrimination

Use the hashtag! #1point8

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@PMNCH 2023

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